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Lisa Stockhammer-Mial

Transformations in Style” A visual progression of jewelry from the Victorian to the Art Deco eras

Lisa Stockhammer-Mial is the owner & president of The Three Graces, and retailer of fine antique, vintage and period jewelry. Established in 2002, it has garnered a worldwide reputation for representing the best across a wide range of eras. The Three Graces’ jewelry has been featured numerous times in Vogue Magazine, including a lifestyle spread shot by Annie Leibowitz, as well as in the New York Times, In Style, and in two books. Ms. Stockhammer-Mial’s expertise on antique jewelry has been called upon for quotes in a number of articles over the years in Rapaport Magazine. For its permanent collection, the Newark Museum acquired a piece of 18th century jewelry from The Three Graces. Ms. Stockhammer-Mial is a member of the AGTA, the Women’s Jewelry Association, and the American Society of Jewelry Historians. Having lectured at the GIA and several times previously at Jewelry Camp, she has been involved with period jewelry for more than 30 years as a buyer, historian as well as a business owner. Her field of expertise ranges from the Art Deco, Edwardian, Victorian, and Georgian eras to those pieces of the 16th and 17th centuries. A niche and favorite passions are that of deconstructing a piece of jewelry for its changes and adaptations over time as well as its accurate dating. Traveling across six continents (and sometimes living) and visiting over 30 countries has proved invaluable in her work and life journey. She holds a BFA degree in Art & Art History from Rice University.

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